I was one of those people that was able to share. I talked about my different health "struggles" throughout my life and how those events helped in giving me the determination to push forward in life regardless of the circumstance or situation. I consider myself a healthy person and it's not something I talk about frequently. I was not expecting the responses that I received. Everyone was awesome and gave me such sweet and sincere compliments. They sure are good at boosting my self-esteem. At the end of the meeting we were all able to write a little note about some of the amazing characteristics that each person in our cohort has. It was such a neat experience.
This just goes to show how far a simple little compliment can go in someones life. It is so important that we are doing this with our future students. It literally has the ability to change someones attitude, view on school and life, and so much more. Kind words have SO much power and they are something that everyone can give away. Sometimes we get nervous to compliment someone for one reason or the other, but when you have the chance to make someones day a little bit brighter....do it. Don't miss those golden opportunities to make someone happy. Our students need that. Here's to changing lives.

This is my awesome (slightly goofy) cohort. They make me happy and they are consistently helping me in becoming the teacher I want to be.
Cheers to being the best you,
Laurel (like Carl)
This photo is absolutely adorable. I love the folks in that photo! Thanks for illustrating your reflection in such a perfect way! 5 pts.